On April 11th, a one day creative activism workshop was held at the Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall, Kuala Lumpur. This event was brought by PORN and AI Malaysia. The aim was to create awareness on human rights, instigate changes or support other forms activism in the concept of creative activism.
Some pictures to spill bits of the events;
The participants were first divided into groups. Each groups represented human rights tragedies; Reformasi, Ops Lalang, Brickfields 5, Peristiwa Baling and Bloody Sunday.
Ops Lalang's group
An interactive activity was carried out by Shazeera Ahmad Zawawi to give them the idea of how a nation created its constitution. Introduction on Human Rights was conducted by Shan.
Shazeera Ahmad Zawawi briefed the participants.
Rahmat Haron's session (On Tragedi Memali's short film)
Hishammuddin Rais (Tukar Tiub) session
its LOL session too!
And the creative workshop started! They were given the choice to pick which workshop that they're interested to.
Nam Ron was in charge of theatre workshop.
and Poodien was in charge of the visual art workshop.
The participants were then asked to perform what they've learned.
A short sketch by the theatre workshop group called BATU.
Some arts by the visual arts workshop group.
The screening of Taring Padi session took place. Bebek, a representative from Taring Padi showed us how creative activism be made successful in Indonesia.
some of the superb arts by Taring Padi.
More pictures in PORN's Facebook
Click and watch!
Thank you to all participants.
Thank you to all panelists.
Thank you AI Malaysia.
PORN. Young and Bold.
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